Tuesday, 25th October 2016 00:00 - 00:00 London

FT and EMPEA’s event: Sustainable Investing in Emerging Markets

EMPEA and the Financial Times have hosted the Private Equity in Emerging Markets for the past four years, regularly attracting over 300 attendees. This year the scope of the programme is to focus on sustainable investing practices. The theme of the event: Bridging Smart Capital with ESG to Maximise Returns. 

Chair of IIGCC, Donald MacDonald, will speak at the event on the panel: Why Sustainable Investing is a Priority: Putting Smart Capital to Work in Emerging Markets.

Pension funds and other institutional investors can attend for free. Please contact us for a registration code.

The event will be held on 25th October in London, followed by Private Equity in Africa event on the 26th of October. 

Details on the Sustainable Investing in Emerging Markets event can be found here.

Details on the Private Equity in Africa Summit can be found here.